Don't Fence me in?  I don't think so

Mother nature can sometimes be down right mean. And if you work the land to feed the rest of the nation who could blame you for thinking why this has happen and why me?
BlazeAid is a big organization that organizes on-the-ground help for communities suffering extended periods of hardship due to natural disasters.
A camp will be set up and very hardworking volunteers go there to do hard manual labor.  Repairing damaged fences being one of the main things they do.
Originally organized after terrible bush fires, they soon added damage caused by flooding – fences are either washed away completely or clogged with huge amounts of debris.
This is the third time BlazeAid has come to Murgon, and this time the damage extends even further than before.  Clear to Biggenden and Woolooga.
The volunteers come from everywhere, and stay as long as they can.  Some are retired, some take annual leave, sometimes unaffected locals jump in to help their neighbors.  Free campsites are provided but the volunteers use their own tents and caravans.  Community groups like Rotary, Lions, Churches make donations of food and usually prepare the meals.
The farmers requesting assistance pay for the materials needed, and the labor is free.  But sometimes, in dire situations, they just can’t, so there are ways that even the materials can be donated in unusual circumstances.
Just getting stared in Murgon after our devastating January rains, the camp is set up and more volunteers are arriving each day.  So it won’t be long before more than 2 teams of 6 can be sent out each day.  At present there are 38 farms registered for assistance:  this number is expected to increase.
The do not usually ask for specific food donations and rely on what is given.  So far they have been pleased to receive 18 cakes (!) and hams, among other things, are a looking forward to Rotary Kingaroy providing a large amount of bottled water.  What they are really hoping for is watermelons, which are in season and would be most welcome in the present heat wave.
It has been suggested that one way to make a donation is via gift vouchers.  This way the organizers can choose what is really needed.
Ron Murphy, one of the original organizer of BlazeAid, is here in Murogn co-ordinating the overall effort. And well-known identity Leo Geraghty, is in charge of general communications with the local community.  They both see a massive job here which may take 3 or 4 months to complete.

What Blaze aid is dealing with