Rotary, like any other organisation must embrace change or perish. Time and progress will never wait for anyone or anything. So, we must forever continue to move forward and explore our options and confront our challenges
The major challenge we, as a middle of the range rural club, continually face is membership. How do we sustain a health and active club into the future? Well, for us it’ was embracing the concept of a satellite club.
We had look at this way forward once before, but we failed. The reason? We failed to look in our own back yard. We wanted to expand to other nearby communities thinking that these folks wouldn’t come to us, so we went to them.
Well, for a variety of reasons none of these efforts came to anything. So, we gave up.
But the original problem remained. How do we expand membership?
Then one of our existing members came up against the never-ending problem of managing time to attend supper meeting. Work, family commitment and several other demanding issues was making attendance slip further down the priority list for this dedicated Rotarian.
He then suggested the satellite option once again. Why not start a sunrise club? He and others would find it easier to find the time at the start of a working day to come together for coffee and hold an hour long meeting they could still attend the supper meeting when time allowed
So, the board considered the idea and said yes, but he was tasked with finding the minimum membership needed to charter a satellite club. The club would assist with the administration issues and any support needed. So off he went and that’s exactly what he did!
Nine new members later, a charter application was lodged, and we are now about to create history for the club. Not only have we inducted nine new club members, a record of some sort for us, but now there are also others wanting to join. To say we were stunned is an understatement!
The 30th of July will become milestone date for the Rotary Club of Kingaroy when the Rotary Satellite Club of Kingaroy Sunrise comes into being and helps to advance the Rotary brand within our community